Episode 35: Leanne Butterworth — What Is Empathy & Why It Starts With You?


Leanne Butterworth is a speaker, consultant, coach and the founder of Empathy First — a social enterprise that is on a mission to create happy and healthy workforces by empowering leaders with empathy skills that will create a thriving, productive, and sustainable business - and save lives!

Based in Brisbane, she is mum to Rowan and Zara and has a degree in Applied Science and a Graduate Certificate in Business (Nonprofit and Philanthropy Studies). She received a George Alexander Foundation Scholarship, was inducted onto the Nu Lambda Mu International Honor Roll and showcased her work to His Royal Highness, the Duke of York.

As an active member of the start-up, "Mental health and Social Enterprise Communities", she tutors in Social Enterprise for the Queensland University of Technology and works closely with the Queensland Social Enterprise Council.

In this episode, we discuss the true nature of empathy — or what Leanne likes to call "Compassionate Empathy". I also explore with her why empathy starts with us. In this insightful and engaging conversation, Leanne reveals the secret power that empathy has to bring transformation into people's lives in our work and everyday lives.

You can find out more about Empathy First by visiting the website www.empathyfirst.com.au. You can also reach out to her on Linkedin.

Learn more about Justice Matters — https://justicematters.transistor.fm
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Full Transcript

Coming Soon

Tim Buxton

Social entrepreneur, performance coach, motivational speaker, podcast host and the founder of You Belong.


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