Odyssey Notes
Tales, Wisdom & Misadventures of Leading an Outrageously Courageous Life
Charlie on the Move in the Kurdistan Prayer Room
During our family visit to Iraq earlier this year Charlie and I spent some quality time together in the prayer room of Billy and Dawn Ray's home. It truly is a wonderful place to come to prayer and dwell in God's presence. It is situated on the roof floor of their home and opens up to a stunning panoramic view of the city of Soran. It's simply the perfect place to seek God in prayer for the people of Kurdistan. Visiting teams will often spend hours in this room, storming heaven and with intercession, worship and thanksgiving! God is moving in Northern Iraq... if you have some time, why not take a few moments and pray for Iraq. Pray for strength and provision for the workers there. Pray for the ministry of World Orphans in Soran. And pray for the Gospel to be firmly established in this distant land. Download a Prayer Guide for the Kurds here.
The view from the rooftop of the Ray family home
How's this for a 4am wake-up call
Five times a day, from as early as 4am and as late as 8 o'clock in the evening, this poetic call to prayer echoes throughout the Soran valley. Sung by Imams through the megaphone speakers of every local mosque, the rather intrusive call reminds the faithful Muslims to stop and pray to Allah.