Tim Buxton

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From our Family to Yours... Have a Magnificent New Year!

Thank you for your prayers and support in 2013. We are more passionate than ever to see the flicker of of God's work in Iraqi-Kurdistan fanned into a mighty flame! We look forward to all that 2014 has in store with much joy and great expectations... from the birth of our third child in March to our move to Iraq a couple months later! 

There has never been a better time to give everything for the cause of the Gospel. Here at flickerflame.org we want to keep you posted with all that's happening with the Buxton Family adventures in Iraq. We also want to keep you informed about mission work all around the world, especially where the Gospel is needed the most - so stay tuned to flickerflame in 2014!

From the Buxton Family to Yours... Have a Magnificent New Year!