The First Snow of Winter has Fallen in Kurdistan

Just as I began a FaceTime chat with Billy Ray in Kurdistan, I hear screams of joy in the background, alerting me to the fact that the first snow of winter was falling. As Billy pointed his computer to the window I could see his 3 boys doing cartwheels on the front lawn while jubilantly yelling "It's snowing, it's snowing"!! Ahh, the bliss of winter in the northern hemisphere. 

All this was happening while I was sitting shirtless at the kitchen table, dripping with sweat - even with the fan on high! Another reminder of how different life is in Australia, especially when it comes to the Christmas season. But I have to admit, I do enjoy the Aussie Christmas, despite it feeling a little awkward singing about it being a "Winter Wonderland" or buying cards with Santa Claus (Father Christmas, for the commonwealth folk) in his red snow suit! 

As Sarah and I celebrate Advent here Down Under, there is a great expectation in our hearts for what the future holds. ironically, with Sarah 6+ months pregnant and staying my sisters home we can very much identify with the Biblical narrative or returning to the homeland of Joseph (Australia is my home). But with the challenges of constant travel and adjustment to life in a new place, there are rich experiences to be enjoyed.

The great time we are having with family, the frequent consumption of meat pies, and how could I forget - days and days of quality Test Cricket (at least on behalf of the Australian team). I am reminded, once again to relish the moment and enjoy each day that God has given us regardless of where we are and the circumstances we might find ourselves in. We thank God for this prolonged Australian stop-over. It truly is a remarkable country with amazing people. 

And so as another year comes to a close and a new chapter is about to begin, join me in thanking God for all He has done, is doing, and is going to do. If life is throwing its challenges your way or you find yourself in the fight of your life, take courage that you are not alone. Call out to God - He is as close as a whisper.

I pray the snow in kurdistan reminds you of the fresh, clean start you can experience in Jesus each and every day! 


Tim Buxton

I am a social impact entrepreneur, leader and communicator, fascinated about the art of building and leading organisations and communities that inspire joy, wonder, adventure and belonging.

Charlie on the Move in the Kurdistan Prayer Room


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