You Belong Launches First Welcome Picnic

We held our first You Belong 'Welcome Picnic' with over 150 wonderful friends from Iraq & Syria.

Well that was an incredible day... a beautiful beginning to... well, only God knows what!!? We had our first You Belong Picnic with over 150 wonderful friends from Iraq & Syria. Some families had only been in Australia for two weeks... today was, I just happen believe, in a special way just for them. We danced, we laughed (mostly at ourselves), we ate the most delicious of foods (Kurdish bread & Aussie snags notwithstanding), drank chai and yep... played ⚽️!!!

Trust me, this days was a beautiful miracle on so many levels. A big shout out to Rachael & Scott Carter for all the hard work. Special thanks to the @suncoastchristiancollege families who traveled all the way from the Sunshine Coast to put on the fun.

Something special is beginning... you are gonna want to be part of it!!! #youbelong #toowoomba#refugeesthrivinginaustralia @ Laurel Bank Park

Tim Buxton

Social entrepreneur, performance coach, motivational speaker, podcast host and the founder of You Belong.

World Refugee Day 2018


New Year Reflections: 2016 - A Year of Grace!