Tim Visits & Speaks at His Past High School

It was a trip down memory lane for me last week as I had the privilege if speaking at my past High School. On Wednesday, Thursday & Friday I spoke at the year level chapel services for the 10, 11 & 12 grade students of Grace Lutheran College on the Redcliffe Peninsular.

The theme was "The Gospel in Suffering" and so it provided a great opportunity to share about what we are doing in Northern Iraq with World Orphans.

I must admit, it was hard to believe that it was 15 years since I graduated from Grace. It was fun catching up with past teachers and staff, as well as taking a tour of the growing school grounds. 

I big shout out to Esther, Gordon and Louise for the opportunity to come back and share with the students. What an incredible opportunity to speak into the lives of this emerging generation and encourage them to make a difference for good and for God!

Tim Buxton

I am a social impact entrepreneur, leader and communicator, fascinated about the art of building and leading organisations and communities that inspire joy, wonder, adventure and belonging.


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