A Smoldering Wick | A Poem By Richard Weismann

Meet Richard (bottom left), a truly faithful friend of Times Square Church, who has volunteered in the Missions Department every Wednesday for over 10 years. Among many other hidden talents, Richard is also quite a remarkable poet. And so, after I shared this morning in staff devotions about our family's move to Iraqi-Kurdistan and the verse God had put on our hearts in Isaiah 42:3 (it's on the bottom of the page), Richard comes up to me and hands me a poem he had written about that very verse. It simply blew me away and with his permission it gives me great honor and pleasure to share it with you below...

A Smoldering Wick

By Richard Weismann


It began as a tiny spark

Buried under a mountain of darkness

Stones that were too heavy to move

And too numerous to count

Stones of destruction

Burns of charred forest burnt beyond recognition

Waves of despair crashing against a fragile heart

It was a world permeated with unbreakable chains of cynicism

Where self was king


Deep within the mountain, hope was born

Amidst the seeds of hopelessness,

A small light could be perceived

It was like a drop of water in a universe of burning sand and oil


There was a longing to right the unrightable wrong,

To beat the unbeatable foe;

A longing to go when his arms were too weary

It seemed like an impossible dream

With no more substance than a smoldering wick


At the point of defeat, a deliverer appeared

The one who could transform the tiny spark into a mighty fire

A mighty God with tender heart

His majesty beyond comprehension

His eyes so kind

His words were like a gentle rain that could melt the hardest of hearts

The one true God who came to heal the brokenhearted


None could ever compare

To the Son of the living God

Who came to take away the sins of the world

His name is Jesus Christ

Tim Buxton

I am a social impact entrepreneur, leader and communicator, fascinated about the art of building and leading organisations and communities that inspire joy, wonder, adventure and belonging.


Hanging with the Bold Family


Turn off ignition while pumping gas!