Tim Buxton

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Happy Mothers Day

How could I pass up the opportunity to honor the most amazing women in my life...

Firstly... my Mum (Teresa Anne) -- truly she is a "Mother Theresa" in so many ways, but more than that she has always been a rock and incredible example of how to life a godly life. A mother I could never deserve. I love you Mum!

Secondly... my Mom (Elizabeth Ann) -- you have welcomed me into my American family and have brought so much joy and life into our family. Thank you!

Lastly... my Wife (Sarah Katherine) -- I could not have dreamed of a more amazing wife and mother to our children. You radiate God's love and heart for children. It's mama's like you that make every day worthy to be celebrated as Mother's Day!

A special thought and word of appreciation and honor to all mothers out there (in the broadest sense). Surely a mother has the most demanding and often under-appreciated job in the world in raising her children. The pressures on mothers today could not be more challenging, but still, society is being held together by their tireless service, selfless love and faithful dedication to their family.